
  • Wow! I think that someone around the age of 18 is two young to have a baby! It would be crazy to say to someone that your mom was 9 years older than you!


  • This is really sad. She should be able to have a normal childhood. She is too young to have the responsibility of taking care of an infant. She should have waited until she was in her twenties. She is way too young to have a baby at nine years old.

  • That is definitely too young to have a baby, and i can't believe it.

  • This is ridiculous! who would even do that? you should wait till your mid 20's till you have a kid and enjoy your life while its yours alone

  • this kind of thing is going to get the world in a crap hole someday... these are exactly the type of things  that are going to do us in for in this world... in my opinion, i think that even 24 is too young to be giving life to someone else... your prefrontal cortex isnt even developed fully yet, and that is done at about 25 ish and that 9 year old girl is not even half way done living her child hood.

  • That's awful! She's still a child and now she has to take care of a baby!

  • Wow that is really sad :( her life is going to be damaged she is only a kid she shouldn't be having a kid!

  • thats sad, that little girl must have gone through alot of pain, i think the a good age to have a baby would be atleast 22

  • That could have been very harmful to her body! The reason someone shouldn't have a baby until their at least 20 is because their body isn't structually ready to carry a child inside of them. If a girl is too young, they could die just because their body wouldn't be able to carry that much extra inside of them and go through the birth process. She is very lucky that she is okay.

  • that is crazy! sad! she is way to young to have a baby! she wont even beable to enjoy her childhood. instead she has to raise a little baby at the age of 9! early- mid 20s is about the right age to have your 1st child.

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