
           It was just a normal school day, I remember running off the school bus up our winding drive way to our big white house, bursting through the front door, throwing down my book bag, and then racing into the living room, eager to watch cartoons. I remember seeing my mom tightly holding my newborn brother Koby, and talking on the phone, her voice was strained, and tight. Whenever my mom would end a phone call, the phone would ring again, and again. I was oblivious to what that strange behavior meant, and later when my dad got home, they attempted to try and explain what all the commotion was about. My parents told me that there were some very bad people who ran some planes into towers in New York, a city that’s very far away. They said that it was very sad because very many good people got hurt, or passed away in those buildings. ‘’Oh that’s sad’’ I said, and then I turned on the television, to watch dragon tales, that is what I could remember of 9/11.

           At the time, I don’t think that I fully comprehended the severity or the importance of what exactly happened that day, But I was very young, so the complexity of the concept was a little out of reach for me. My parents told me the essentials of what happened on that day in September, but here is a more in depth version of what really happened. Al Qaeda attacked the U.S Under their leader Osama bin laden; Khalid Al-Mihindhar, Nawaf al- Hazmi, Mohamed Atta Marwan Al-Shehhi, Ziad Jarrah, and Hani Hanjour were the four people who hijacked the planes, and flew them into the towers. Nobody knows exactly why Al-Qaeda attacked us, some believe it’s because of their religion, and some think it was about money, and power. The United States responded by announcing war on terrorism, to try and bring Al- Qaeda, and Osama bin laden to justice, and to prevent future terrorist attacks.

           I interviewed my parents to find out what they remembered from that day; they both remember clearly where they were, what they were doing, and how they responded, in absolute clarity. My dad said, that he was working inside a grain ben at the feed plant that he worked in, When one of his workers came in and told him that some goofy (not very nice words) flew a couple planes into the twin towers today. My dad said he was very shocked and wanted to find out for him exactly what happened. My mom told me that she was feeding my brother Koby a bottle, and was watching the news when she found out.

        She said she wanted to call people and let them know what was happening. My cousin Conner remembers Allot from that day also. He said that he was in kindergarten, and his teachers told the class to take a nap, and then went into another room to watch what was happening on a television. What happened that day was tragic, and unfortunate. What is important is that we as a country, learn from this event, and use what we learn to make shore this event in history, never repeats itself.


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