
Today marks the 11th anniversary of 9/11. Most of us are not old enough to remember what happened, but some are. The article below has different pictures of people mourning their loved ones at the 9/11 Memorial Site. It is sad to think of those that lost their lives, and those who lost ones they were close to. I personally do not remember, but as I have gone through history classes, I have learned more. What do you remember? Anything?


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  • I was four years old at the time and all I remember is going to my grandmas. Everyone's faces were like they were nervous and I didn't know what to think. Now I know and I know to be thankful for what I have in my life!

  • I only remember sitting at day-care, my mom had just dropped me off, and we were all sitting in front of the tv watching the news. Then we watched the planes hit the towers and our baby-sitter person walked out of the room, crying.

  • I remembber coming in after riding my bike for a long time, for some water. My dad had the TV on and he told me to come over, and he explined what just went on!

  • A very sad day, probably the worst ever for the United States. Everyone should take some time out of their day to do something to remember and honor those who were lost in those attacks

  • I remember coming in the door, with my mom on the couch with her mouth hung wide open in awe over what had happend. I watched, but didn't quite comprend what had happend untill later, like two years later. I watched them fall over, but i didn't think it actually happend. Thought it was more of a sappy movie kind of that. I now understand what happend, I still feel bad for all of the families it inpacted. It just comes to show, live life to the fullest. You never really know what is going to happen.

  • I was a sophomore in high school and I can remember almost every detail from that day. It was a Tuesday, and I walked out of my 1st period woods class and another student walked up to my friend and me, and told us that we had been bombed and were going to war.  Of course it wasn't a bomb, but the planes, but I am guessing he had just heard people talking about it.  By the time I got to my 2nd period we were watching the news and I remember actually seeing the second tower come down.  The rest of the day (except in my 6th period biology class) we did nothing but watch the news.  In my history class, I remember the teacher talking about the impact this would end up having on America. We also talked about this being the first major attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor, with one major difference than that one, and that being that this on was on civilians, as Pearl Harbor is a naval base. He also told us that 9/11 would be a day for us like 11/22 was for the generations before us. Many people remember everything about what they were doing and what happened when Kennedy was assassinated, and everyone is the same with the September 11th attacks.

    We had our football game postponed from Friday until Saturday afternoon that week. They were also talking about cancelling school the next day, that did not end up happening. 

    It is weird to think that it was 11 years ago, it definitely does not seem that long.  My history teacher was right, this had a huge impact on our country and still does play a role in most peoples' everyday lives. Some of you have been living with these changes for the majority of your life, so it wasn't as big of a change for you. 

  • Many people who died were brave heros. I have a book called Ten True Tales: Heros of 9/11 and it tells about ten different stories about a person point of view when they were called about the attack. I don't remember anything. I was probably 4 back then. Bless the people who put their liives at risk to save others and the people who died to protect their country.

  • I remember being at daycare and watching a children's program on TV. When it happened every channel went straight to the news. I remember watching the first plane hit the tower over and over again. My daycare provider then shut the TV off, put a movie in, and turned on the movie. My mom says that night the only question I asked was, "Mom, why do the planes keep hitting that tower?" That was a very sad day. Rest in peace all those who lost their lives that day.

  • I dont remember it happening when i was little but i know that everyone needs to be thankful for what they and are lucky that one of there family members didn't die.

    • I agree with you and thats exactly how i feel

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