The enormous Earthquake in Chile that happend only a few short weeks after the Haiti earthquake killed 700 people and devastated much of the country. That's only a small degree of the power that the quake inflicted. NASA scientists believe that the quake moved the axis of the Earth by a few inches and shortened the length of a day by a few microseconds. That may seem insignificant, but the amount of force required to move the Earth is incomprehensible. Here's a link for the full STORY.

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  • Ok first off, im mad that were dishing money out there like its monopoly. We need to pay our own deficit off before we spend billions of dollars that arent even on us!
  • wow thats crazy stuff.
  • ohh man that is weird ha
  • isnt there already a forum about this? or am i just imagining things? but this is bizaare!
  • Wow. I've never heard anything like it! That's amazing!!!
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