8 year old shoots caregiver

On Thursday, an 8 year old boy shot his 87 year old care giver. It is said he purposely shot her after playing a violent video game.  In the state of Louisiana, children under 10 can not be pressed with criminal charges. Therefor, the boy will not be pressed with charges. I think this shows that children should not be playing video games that are too mature for them. What are your thoughts on this story?

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  • I don't think that video games are a big part in violence in children, but I still don't think that kids that young should be able to play games like that. It is a very sad story.

  • I think this is absolutely ridiculous. I understand that they can't charge kids under 10 because they are still very young.  I still think that if they're mature enough to be playing those games and mature enough to shoot their care giver that they should have to take responsibility for their actions..  I don't think this boy should get away with nothing, but maybe charge him when he's older.

  • I agree with these kind of games being to mature for them, especially the "M" rated games which is for mature users. Playing these kind of games makes you think you can do them and everything will be just like the game. Adults that let kids play these games are not thinking straight. Wait until they are at least a teenager so they have a better sense of things.

  • I agree with that children shouldn't be playing mature games. They are rated that way for a reason, but how did this eight year old get a firearm. That is the part that creeps me out the most, because something is bound to happen if we leave weapons out for adolescence to mess with.

    • He is Eight years old not ten.

  • This is insane! I cannot believe that this happened and the boy obviously needs help and his care giver defiantly should not have allowed him to play those games.  

  • This is crazy! I hope the 87 year old woman is okay! Why would he do this in the first place? So sad....

    • I think the woman died....Maybe the boy was easily influenced and needed to release his anger and chose the wrong way to do that. 

  • I think it is ok for kids to play violent video games. That kids might have just been a freak anyway. You can go by what 1 kid does because he might be a physco or something.

  • I think that younger kids should not play video games like this. They should only be able to play games that fit their age group. Though, if that becomes a rule it may not always be followed. But a violent game for an eight year old playing that violent of a game is kind of ridiculous.

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