Police claim this was an accident. A student had a fire arm in the book bag and it accidently went off stricking the little girl. After surgery she is ok but faces more surgery. Families ask for prayer! The boy is now in a Kitsap County Juvenile Detention Center.
What I want to know is how does a elementry boy get ahold to a gun?? That poor little girl. Please pray for her!
This little boy must have some mental issues. Who would bring a gun to school and shoot it at somebody. Its one thing to bring a gun to school but to actually use it, thats crazy.
Why would he carry a gun into school anyway, I think he deserves a long time of juvinile detention.
It's one thing for a little boy to have a gun but bring it to school? That's crazy. He must not come from a very good family! He probably needs some help.
I hope the little girl's surgery goes well!!
I can't believe a little boy got a hold of a gun, his parents or where ever he got it from obviously need to put the gun where little kids can't get a hold of it. I hope the little girl's surgeries go well.
I still dont see how a little child gets a hold of a gun like that. I feel so sorry for the girl. Shes gunna be terrified o school now. Hope her surgeries go good.
i cant belive the little boy got a hold of a gun. he must not be in a very good living enviorment. prayers for both families