The Council Bluffs police are looking for an 8 month old girl who was taken by her mother. The mother Sara Kier, 23 took her daughter Tailah. The police don't think that the daughter is in any danger, and believe that the mother and child are on the move.


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  • The world is getting more crazy every day for no reasons, sometimes I son't understand why.

  • I hope the police can find that baby! I also hope the mom gets in trouble for that.

  • Hopefully the daughter isn't in any danger. The mother must have problems with taking care of her daughter though, if she needs to steal her and run away just to have her.

  • I wonder why she wasnt supposed to have the child! i hope shes okay!

  • I'm sure the mother just wanted to be with her daughter she wasn't allowed to have custody of but I do feel bad for the daughter who is put in the middle of this. The mother could have handled this very differently.

  • That just sounds weird a mother kidnapping her own daughter. It is sad that she would have to do that to even have her daughter. I am sure the kid isn't in danger the mom proablyh just wanted her kid back.

  • Im really confused why the mother isn't allowed to have her child. Was the daughter taken by child services or does the mom not have custody? I really don't think the mom would do anything to hurt her child so I doubt she's in any danger but I hope they find her and that she is returned to where she is supposed to be.

  • Hopefully the daughter isn't in any danger. The mother must have problems with taking care of her daughter though, if she needs to steal her and run away just to have her. Hopefully they are found soon and the daughter is safe.

  • This doesn't make since? haha Why cant the mother have the daughter? Why is it a big deal if she has her? And where did she take her from?

  • I heard about this on the news! I hope they find the 8 month old and she is returned home and safe. I hope the mother turns herself in to because she just need to help herself so she can be with her child throughout her life.

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