This lady pretty much proves how elderly drivers shouldnt be allowed behind the wheel.

When attempting to park in front of a Pizza Hut in Houston, A 73 year old lady "accidently" pressed the gas instead of the brake, causing her car to go straight through the restraunt and injure two children, ages 9 and 11. No charges were pressed, but the case is still under investigation...

Way to go, elderly drivers.




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  • Im nt sayin elderly should never drive but she is one of the many elderly that should never drive again. I do feel sorry for those kids like the little 9 yr old having ur lungs collapse must hurt cuz he had 2 go 2 the hospital.
  • I wouldn't just blame the elderly for this. Lots of people have. I mean, I'm 16 and I've hit the gas instead of break by accident. My parents have done the same, I'm sure the majority of all drivers have. It's sad the injured the two children though, and if they take her license away I hope they look into the situation more before they do.
  • haha that's pretty funny.. i love when old people do crazy things, provided that no one dies or anything bad like that.
    • no one died:)
  • I agree with Kenzie.
    Elderly people have doctors appointments, groceries, and many other things they need to do like the all of us, and may not have the family to help them do that at all times. So it is hard to say whether or not elderly people should drive or not.
  • why did you put quotes around "accidentally?" Are you implying you think she did it on purpose?
  • sit down for a nice dinner and end up in the emergency. guessing they wont be eating out for a while. get a taxi old people.
  • Elders should be able to drive. People 65 years and older should have to get tested every year to make sure they are safe to drive.
  • That is nuts. I do agree with Kenzie on the driving part. That all elderly people arent bad drivers. Anyone could have made that mistake. I think elderly people should have different exams when they renew there licenses. I hope the children are okay and the old lady along with them. Also i hope the lady remembers the breaks are on the left. :)
  • i feel terrble for the children!! i think elders need to have more precious exams wen they go to renew their drivers lisense!
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