$7 Million for popcorn

In Denver, Colorado a 59 year old man sued the popcorn company Gilster-Mary Lee Corp. for $7 million and won. The man’s name is Wayne Watson and he sued because he said that the fumes from the microwaveable popcorn were damaging his lungs. The defense lawyers stated that the damage was from the chemicals in his carpet cleaning business and not his two bag per day habit.  So now Watson dose not eat microwave popcorn anymore.

What do you think about this decision and what is your response? http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/colorado-man-awarded-7-million-popcorn-lung-case-claimed-breathing-fumes-microwave-popcorn-damaged-lungs-article-1.1163543

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  • That doesn't make much sense to me. The fumes from the popcorn are responsible for his damaged lungs? He should know that the cause could be the carpet cleaning chemicals like the lawyers said. I can't believe that he actually won.

  • If it was the popcorn, 7 million sounds like overkill for lung damage. It was probably both sides fault, because the company didn't test the additive, but two bags a day is unhealthy and excessive anyways.

  • I think that this man was the cause of his own problem by eating two bags of popcorn a day. That is way too much. I feel like fumes from the carpet cleaning have a better chance of harming a person

  • I don't know how he won that case. How could fumes from popcorn damage his lungs? All there is in it is popcorn seeds, butter, and probably some salt. Lucky he got 7 million dollars though, he is a lucky guy.

  • I'm glad that the man won because I think that popcorn companies should have to tell their customers in some way about the dangerous chemicals. Hopefully the Gilster- Mary Lee Corp. will start to do that.

  • Well I am glad they cause the chemicals right away before it harmed anyone elses lungs.

  • wow that so stupid.. people now days sue over everything.. i cant believe he won... he got $7 million over a POPCORN sue

  • I would think that the popcorn company would take more precaution to let people know what is in the popcorn. Also maybe the man shouldn't be eating two bags a day... I bet the man is definatley excited about winning the lawsuit though! I think for future references this company needs to make sure more peope know what type of things they are consuming when eating this popcorn.

  • Maybe this will open some eyes for some popcorn and other types of companies to start putting easier understood labels on there product.  If it really hurt his lungs then I guess do what you have to do, but other wise i think this is just another example that people will do whatever they do to get money.

  • I think that they made the right decision. It said that there were chemicals in the popcorn that were harmful, and the disease was even dubbed popcorn lung. To prevent law suits like this one the popcorn company should've posted something about the chemicals as a warning to consumers.

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