Last Thursday morning, a 6 yr old died in a hospital from injuries sustained during a wreck Wednesday evening. The interesting thing is who was driving, her 8yr old brother. Wednesday night just after 10 pm the siblings were missing and it was believed by their mother that they had been kidnapped. It wasn't until 10:15 pm when 911 calls came in reporting that a car had driven through a fence with children inside that they had an idea of where they might be. At around 10:30 pm after the police tried to pull over the vehicle the car veered to the right and hit a pole. Police found the 8yr old in the drivers seat and the 6 yr old in the passenger severely injured without a seat belt. Police have no idea what caused the children to go for a joyride in their parents car. What do you think caused the children to steal their parents car?... How did the mother of the children not notice her children walk out the door and and take her car?...

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  • Good job Levi! I thought you could have replied a few more times however.

  • I think the mother was probably on drugs if she couldnt tell that her kids and car were gone. and i think they probably left because they didnt want to live at the home they lived in. 

  • An 8 year old driving a car is insane. When I was that age I would sit on my dad's lap and steer, then again it was on a gravel road and I wasn't really doing much of the work anyway. I think that parents really need to start taking more precautions with their children and tell them how unsafe cars can be sometimes when someone irresponsible is behind the wheel.

  • WHAT!?!?!?!?!? This is just crazy and reminds me very much of Ricky Bobby

  • I think the child just wanted to drive a car, maybe he played racing games and thought driving would be easy. Maybe the children were in their room playing something, so the mom left them alone, then they got out. Who knows what really happened.

    • I agree the kids probably just wanted to act like their parents and go for a "drive"... I think that the mom should have kept a better eye on her kids, but like you said, nobody knows for sure what happened.

  • This is very shocking to me! First off what kind of parents just forgets about their kids? Wouldn't the parent hear the vehicle start? This just frustrates me on how this parenting is. Yes I agree the kid has responsibly in this case, but I would mostly blame this on parenting.

  • one question just bothers me with this. Why aren't these kids in bed, and how is he big enough to drive. This is just crazy and sad

  • It's very sad that a death occurred during this, but I find the whole thing a little weird. I understand that the mother would be concerned about her children, but this "joy ride" happened at 10 at night.. the kids were only 6 and 8. I would think that by that time of night the children would be being supervised by someone or even be in bed at this time, after all they were pretty young. I also don't understand how she didn't notice that her car was missing, or that the children had left. While it's a very sad story it seems suspicious and I think they're is probably more to it than is being said.

  • They are little kids and they don't know better. The mother could have been occupied by something else and not hear them leave, or since it was late she could have been asleep.

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