6th grader in handcuffs?

In Colorado a 11 year old girl was mouthing off to her principal and the police were called.  There are handcuff marks on her wrists and arms, and she was taken to a juvenile facility.  I personally think the school was over reacting over this and that they should not have called the cops, your thoughts?

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  • They could have given her a detention, but going to the police is a little extreme. She didn't need to be mouthing off to the principal, but the school could have handled the situation better.

  • If she was just mouthing off I really don't think she should have been handcuffed. If she started throwing things and hitting or hurting someone, then I guess I could understand that. But not for just back talking. That's ridiculous.

  • i got in trouble in sixth grade but not that bad for mouthing off i got in trouble out of school and i still didnt get handcuffed you would have to be saying threataning stuff plus she isnt thirteen so they cant take her away whithout parents saying they can and if they did take her without parents knowing they can only put her in containment fo 72 hours. copsthink nobody know there rights if a cop tried taking me away i could tell him no unless i did something so that he could twist the laws and say i was mouthing off and being disrespectful so itd be disorderly conduct. cops are stupid i hate them they find anything to get you in trouble so they look like a better cop


  • This is totally handled wrong. Why would you call the police over this? Waste of the polices time and leaving marks on her wrist? Uncalled for!

  • This is just another one of those exadiration of things that happen in our world that people take all to seriously. The appropriate action was taking, she needed to be taught a lesson on what she can and can not do or say to the authorities.

  • Really? Handcuffing a 11 year old girl just for mouthing off. That seems a little harsh. The school is probably over reacting, I don't really think the cops needed to be called.

  • wow.. i cant belive that they did that!  really shes only 11 i know she shouldnt be talking to her principal like that but calling the cops i think is much..  and when she had marks on her wrists, i think they shouldnt have done that

  • The girl sounds like a brat and probalby deserved what she got its the principals cal and he did what he thought was right.

  • I think that is a bit much. The principle might have blew the whole thing out of proportion. I mean she is a 6th grader i doubt she really meant harm or anything to bad. The police were a bit much.

  • Thats terrible, just because she was mouthing back to the principal. I can't believe that I can understand if she was getting violent but because she was mouthing off

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