Starting now for the 2nd Quarter. Here are the rules: 1. You get three extra credit points for every 50 posts(either new threads you start or replies to other's posts). 2. The maximum number of extra credit points you can earn in a quarter is 30. -This is 500 posts. -There may be other extra credit opportunities that come up. These would also be included in the 30 total bonus points. -This does not include the ITED extra credit points you can earn. 3. To earn the points, you MUST be signed in as an individual. Do not use your group sign in. The reason for this is that it makes it much easier to track your total posts. 4. To get the points at the end of the quarter, you must come in and show me as the only way to track your total posts is for you to be signed in. 5. Only post in this message board. Stats are not kept for the CWI/USH specific boards. 6. No spamming!! Posts must be worthwhile and of substance. 7. Extra Credit applies only to CWI, US History and History Online. Sorry School News!!
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