$6600 Phone

A luxury phone maker called Vertu has announced a new $6600 smartphone called the Constellation. It has a 4.3 inch scratch-proof screen, and it's made of titanium and leather. Even the ringtones on the phone are luxurious. They were recorded by the London Symphony Orchestra. When you buy the phone, you get invitations to special clubs and events that you might not have been able to get into normally. 

I think that this is a bit ludicrous. The invitations are nice, but the rest of it seems pointless. The phone is also small and easily stolen, which is why I don't like expensive phones. A phone is something you're going to have on you a lot. Would you buy this if you had the money? Why would or wouldn't you?

STORY LINK: This is what a $6,600 smartphone looks like (CNN Money)

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  • Good job Zach!

  • Personal I think it is kind of dumb to make the coast that much because not very people are going to buy it. I understand the rich might but still. And the fact you get into certain clubs if you buy that phone is stupid! Some of the things about it are cool but... i dont think i would buy it if i had the money.

  • I wouldn't buy this phone because it's really pointless and a waste of money. If people are wealthy and want to waste their money on this phone then they can go on right ahead and buy it, it's a stupid thing to do and a stupid thing to invent. 

    • I think the money that people would spend on this would be better off going to charity, since the phone doesn't really offer much over a smartphone that costs a tenth of the price. I wouldn't call it a stupid thing to invent though, I'm sure Vertu's getting a lot of cash out of this. 

  • This is insane! $6600 is way to much for a phone! I don't care if it is a smartphone! That is ridiculous! I guess if that makes people happy to spend their money on that much for a phone, they can! I would never buy that much for a phone even though it has cool features and made of titanium/leather.

  • $6600 for a phone is ridiculous no matter how you slice it. Ringtones don't need to be symphonic, it doesn't need to have leather on it, and invitations to special events seems meaningless to me. No matter what kind of special event it is, it seems like only fools would go there because sane people wouldn't buy $6600 phones. A fool and his money are soon parted.

    • The special events are nice, but you're probably right about who would show up. The ones that don't have rich people who like wasting money showing up are probably ones that you could get into anyways when you have nearly seven grand to spend on a phone.

  • I would probably never spend that much money on a phone ever because you can get a smartphone that probably does some of the things it does for a lot cheaper. It does look cool though but i would still never buy a phone that expensive. 

  • i wouldn't buy it because it's too expensive. What if someone stole it? You just lost $6600. i mean i see no point in buying a $500 phone.

  • No their is no point to do this because I would lose it. Then I would of just wasted all of my money which I think is stupid.

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