Fifth grader Johnny Jones was suspended from a Georgia school for shooting a bow and arrow at another student. Oh wait, I forgot to say the bow he shot was imaginary! The 10-year-old now faces expulsion from the school for mimicking The Hunger Games by shooting an imaginary bow. The story has sparked controversy with many people, including The Rutherford Institute, which is trying to reverse the suspension in Johnny's favor. What's your side to the story? Do you think the school went a bit too far in this case?
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This is not cool at all. No-one was harmed or hurt with a fake bow and he should not of gotten expelled. Who knows it could have been a game or the kid might have been getting bullied.
I certainly think the school went too far. I could see the problem if it was real, but it was only imaginary! People overreact about everything these days.
These are little kids. This is ridiculous. I know from growing up with three older brothers that playing imaginary guns or bows it second nature. This kid ment no harm, theres no way he could.
I think the teachers take some of these things way to seriously. He was just trying to have fun. I used to do that kind of thing all the time when i was that age.
I think that the school took this too far and are trying to scare other kids into not doing this anymore. This punishment was too harsh in my opinion, and I hope that he is reinstated into the school.
I think this is way overboard. Because of all the controversy over violence and gun control, the schools have gotten paranoid and overbearing.
Again, good job but reply more frequently!
Wow. umm it was a fake bow... how can you suspend a kid for that? he is 10! The school went WAY to far.
If he was just playing with the other kid and they were pretending to be in the Hunger Games, then the school went too far. It's just their imagination at play, they are being children. But if Johnny was being mean, and shooting at the student because he didn't like him, then maybe, but it's still a harsh punishment.
What the heck is wrong with that school. Give him a warning at least. He is just copying a movie he's most likely not going to kill that student. If I were his parent I would be so angry with that school.