Darlene Flynn poses for a photograph at her home 'Dar's Shoe Heaven' in Romoland, California. She has broken her own world record for the largest shoe item collection - 16,400 pieces! Her giant collection of shoes and shoe trinkets is estimated to be worth $500,000!!!

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  • Holy cow! More like holy shoe! Jeeze, this women has spent a lot of time into this collection, i mean a LOT of time, and money too! I couldn't even think of what to do with that many shoes. This women is dedicated!

  • I personally think that this woman is a nutcase for having all of this stuff. She will probably never even use half of the stuff in the room. There are many better ways to spend money, than blowing it all on shoes and trinkets. She could give to charity, buy a house or go on several vacations.

  • Holy cow! To have that many shoes is every girls DREAM!:) But $500,000 is quite a large amount of money to put into shoes. Think of what other things she could have done with all that money.. like by a house, or give a portion of that money to a good cause. Although, I am VERY impressed by these outstanding numbers!

  • That's quite...interesting to say the least. Personally, I would not invest that amount of money in something. I like shoes, but don't love them to the point of worshiping them, if you know what I mean. 
    Also, is there an article link?

  • That is CRAZY. I love shoes, but i wouldn't buy that many! She has a great hobby if she loves doing what she does, but if she loves doing that than she set a record for herself and her likes.

  • Wow! Beyond shocked. I personally love shoes, but i don't think i would ever collect that much of something! She has a room dedicated to shoes. I think it's great, she put time, money, &her heart into this. What she calls her room is clever, and cute. If it's your thing, it's great! (:

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