42% of Americans to be obese

A recent study states that by 2030 42% of the American population will be obese. Celebrity trainer Jeanette Jenkins says that people need to plan their workouts and meals ahead of time. Eating more organic foods instead of all of the food from the grocery store would also help.

Do you think Americans are getting more obese?


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  • This is pretty pathetic - you don't have to necessarily eat organic foods to be healthy, but some people eat fast food waaaay too much. It's what America is going to be known by which is sad.  

  • That is pretty gross. The picture looks kind of older to me though. The cups don't look like that anymore do they? And haven't they tried to make McDonald's healthier? Still a disturbing thought.

  • This is ridiculous! i dont see how people can even end up like this aslong as they dont eat at a fast food palce every day for their whole life.

  • wow.. sorry say that but in other countries US its seen like a obese country.. thats why i try to keep eating healthy

  • Ya I can belive this because I see a lot of people going through the burger king drive through on my way to work and a lot at mcdonalds when I go to the city. I know I will eat it just if like I know I'm not going to be home for dinner and then I would just work it off later.

  • Hopefully somethings could be done to prevent this. Like having fast food restaurants offer healthy food as well as what they sell. People just need to get off the couch and go at least for a walk once a day.
  • I think that picture is over stating it a little bit too much. I do know obeisity has been growing at a quick rate but i  am preaty sure not very many people are that fat just yet.

  • We'll probably reach that percentage way before 2030 unless we do something, fast food will become more and more popular and diets will get way worse

  • yeah so basically our nation is fat...

  • OMG that is so horrible...I feel sorry for McDonalds...at least they are making a lot of money.

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