4 teens were driving eastbound on Colby street at a high rate of speed. The car bottomed out crossing an intersection and struck a tree nearby. The driver only 15 years old and the other 3 16, 15, and 14 were taken a hospital.
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Hopefully they're okay and they learned their lesson. That's a pretty young age to be in a big accident like that.
I really want to know how fast they were going. Because they totally demolished the front of that car. And why was the 15 year old kid driving? Anyway, it sucks that all 4 of them had to go to the hospital.
Don't speed. Reckless driving obviously costs lifes. Why would someone be so dumb? No one ever thinks it will happen to them but it does
Why are these people even driving. I know there was a 16 year old in the car, but usually 15 year old people aren't able to drive. I wonder why they were speeding in the first place?
That is sad! Crashes are very scary they happen so fast that you almost dont even know how or why it happened. In the past month i have been in 2. In movies it shows everyone screaming and freaking out but its not like that at all. i hope these boys are all okay and nobody is seriously hurt.
Thats awful! I hope they are ok! Maybe this will help them and other figure out that speeding is a bad idea!
wow! Why were they speeding I wonder? I hope they can overcome this terrible obstacle! Hopefully learned their lesson?