4 days, 200 women

In a matter of 4 days, over 200 women and some little boys were gang raped near the eastern Congo, stated several peacekeepers and American Aids.


The attacks began on July 30th, after the rebels ended their brutal spree of looting, raping, they stopped all on their own on August 4th.


The victims are getting medical and psycho-social care. But will they ever be able to return to their normal lives? To the way things use to be?


Makes me think, what if that happen in the U.S. would the same actions be taken? What would happen? Rape is a serious and scary thing...


What causes these kinds of actions? Can you ever know if you are truely safe from being a rape victim? male or female. It could be anyone. victim or rapist.

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  • eww.. that's not ok.
  • That is terrible. Who would even think sabout doing those things!
  • Why would anyone want to do that? Do they not know that even just one time can affect that person's life forever?
  • that is really scary i dont know why people would do that.
  • thats wrong if it happens in the us it would be bad it would depend where happen for anybody to take serious actions cause some people dnt care about certain places in states
  • This is ridiculous! Some people are CRAZY!! and it makes me feel very uncomfortable reading this. It's gross.. just gross.
  • thats creepy. why would you want to rape little boys? thats sick! the gang rapers probably just ruined all those kids and womens lives forever. i bet they will never forget no matter how hard they try
  • wow, i dont understand why anyone would ever want to rape a person. I dont understand how all those bad and horid feelings can build up in a person so much that it makes them want to go out and just rape a bunch of people. I cant even begin to think about someone going on a raping spree here in the united states, but i would hope that if that ever happened, the person responsible would get the worst punishment of all...
  • no, its really sick.
  • thats hot ;)
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