Shawn Powers was out in the back yard cutting trails with a machete when suddenly he almost cut his entire hand off. Shawn's little 3 yr. old Alisha was on the back porch luckily when it happened. When his wrist started bleeding he immediately tried going to the neighbor's house for help. Since no neighbors were home he went back and sat on the porch with his two little girls and told Alisha to call 911. Shawn and his wife had taught their little one how to work the phone and dial out calls back in December. After walking her through how to dial the phone again Alisha made the call for help to save her dad's life. Nine minutes into the call for help ambulances were sent to help Shawn. He now refers to Alisha as his "little hero".
Full Story Here!
What do you think of this little hero?
What do you think about someone so young using resources to help in a crisis situation, like this one?
I think that it is a great thing that they taught their little three year old to dial and use the phone. Who knows what would happen if no one was able to get could have turned out worse than what it was!
I think its a very good idea to teach you kids early on what to do in an emergency. Its great that even though he was injured he stayed calm so that he didn't freak out his children.
That is very good of the child to do this at such a young age. The parents must be proud.
I strongly agree! Most kids wouldn't have known what to do. It's great they taught her so young.
I think it's awesome that children are taught from a young age what to do in an emergency situation. He must be so thankful for her!
That is so cute! I bet they are proud parents!
I think it's smart they taught their daughter how to dial numbers at a young age, so she knew what to do when something happened.
I agree. You never know what is going to happen!
It's good that people are teaching their younguns to know how to react calmly to resolve the predicament.