There were 30 bags on a flight from Venezuela at the airport that seemed very unusual, none of them belonged to the passengers on the plane. When officials opened them they found 1.3 tons of cocaine in the suitcases. 3 members in the national guard were connected with this incident, several people have also gone into custody. 

I think this is an example of how airports should have tighter security, drugs, guns, terrorist related items, should not be able to get through the security at all. 

Do you think security should be tighter in international airports? And what are your thoughts on this?

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  • That is a good reason why airport security should be taken with more responsibility. The airport should pay the guards more so they wouldnt take bribes like that.

  • I totally agree that this shows that airports need to have a tighter security. Not only airport security, but all security systems. But still how does 1.3 tons of cocaine get into so many suitcases. I'm just shocked.

  • That is a lot of money, airports need to do something different!

  • I think they should have something that detects drugs whether its dogs or something else. I think the airplane security is pretty good how it is right now, but there are a few changes they should make.

  • I think that they defiantly should have tighter security. I mean ever since 911 and now stuff like massive drug transportation the more security the better. Tighter security can save lives and make sure that things like drugs aren't transported into America or other countries. 

  • How can people sneak 2600 pounds of ANYTHING on an airplane, let alone cocaine? This sounds like something that could only happen in a video game. Airport security definitely needs to get better if literal tons of drugs can get on a plane.

  • Airports down there do not have as tough as security as the US, and drug trafficking like this happens all the time. That's a lot of cocaine too. The dealers of all that lost a lot of money because of the airport workers being caught. I saw a TV show where a lady wore a fake latex stomach and hid drugs inside, but she was also caught when the person did a body check on her.

  • I dont know how they got that many drugs through the airport because it seems like it is very tight security. It is good that they found it because otherwise it could have been spread through the population.

  • I think that security should be more tight. I also don't think that if people are going or coming from a foreign country their bags should be checked. Though, you would think they might have thrown them away or just kept them.

  • I just think that they need to be more strict with guns and drugs along with the terrorist stuff. I also think they need to have things that can check for drugs so nothing gets in.

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