2012 HCHS Homecoming Court

Congratulations to the 2012 Homecoming Candidates!
Queen Candidates--Dena Baughman, Courtney Buman, Hannah Early, Cheryl Kleffman, Brittany Klein
King Candidates--Brandon Bjoin, Thomas Devine, Matt Evers, Alex Mahlberg, Cole Scheffler
Who is going to win this year? Kind words only!

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  • Good luck to all of them they all have a chance in winning it.

  • Proud of the people who made it on the court. They all deserve it.

  • Good for all of them! Thats great:) Any of them have a good chance at winning. GOOD LUCK to them all!!:)

  • I think it's a fair bet for any of them! It's a tough say. I wish luck to all!

  • Obviously any of them have a chance at winning, I'm not sure who will win though! We'll have to wait and see.

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