The Super Volcano
And that was just a baby's burp compared with what the Earth can do.
Sixty-five million years ago, a plume of hot rock from the mantle burst through the crust in what is now India. Eruptions raged century after century, ultimately unleashing a quarter-million cubic miles of lava—the Laki eruption 100,000 times over. Some scientists still blame the Indian outburst, not an asteroid, for the death of the dinosaurs.
An earlier, even larger event in Siberia occurred just about the time of the Permian-Triassic extinction, the most thorough extermination known to paleontology. At that time 95 percent of all species were wiped out. Sulfurous volcanic gases produce acid rains. Chlorine-bearing compounds present yet another threat to the fragile ozone layer—a noxious brew all around. While they are causing short-term destruction, volcanoes also release carbon dioxide that yields long-term greenhouse-effect warming.The last big pulse of flood-basalt volcanism built the Columbia River plateau about 17 million years ago.
We're ripe for another. And the little monster might be lurking in our own backyard.
Some of you might have heard that Yellowstone has a super-volcano magma chamber underneath it. Thus causing the geysers and hot springs. If it were to explode, debris and ashes would be shot so far up into the atmosphere that is would rain down on thousands up square miles. The ashes would reach halfway across Iowa. And it would be our half.
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