20 Ways the World Could End-#15

 Global war  

Whoo-hoo! If the world and bacteria can't kill us, lets just do it ourselves! 

Together, the United States and Russia still have almost 19,000 active nuclear warheads. Nuclear war seems unlikely today, but a dozen years ago the demise of the Soviet Union also seemed rather unlikely. 

Political situations evolve; the bombs remain deadly. There is also the possibility of an accidental nuclear exchange. And a ballistic missile defense system, given current technology, will catch only a handful of stray missiles—assuming it works at all. 

Other types of weaponry could have global effects as well. Japan began experimenting with biological weapons after World War I, and both the United States and the Soviet Union experimented with killer germs during the cold war. 

Compared with atomic bombs, bioweapons are cheap, simple to produce, and easy to conceal. They are also hard to control, although that unpredictability could appeal to a terrorist organization. 

John Leslie, a philosopher at the University of Guelph in Ontario, points out that genetic engineering might permit the creation of "ethnic" biological weapons that are tailored to attack primarily one ethnic group (#11).

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  • I prefer to remain positive about these things who knows we may need these someday. Maybe.
  • yeah i believe this is the most likely to happen of all the ways the world could end
  • I have heard that the world just may go into a world war three. If this happens then the earth will no longer be safe. The world would go to the gutters and everyone may die. Why can't humans be nice to other humans.
  • more about spread of plague-esque materials. it never ends
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