0 2/20/12 Posted by 2justin on February 20, 2012 at 9:40am in Mr Bruns 360 Message Board Imagine mr. bruns working as teacher and working at a movie theater. What do you think about this? You need to be a member of History 360 to add comments! Join History 360 Email me when people reply – Follow
that would be really wierd :P just kidding! haha i think that it would be really cool. he would be that really nice guy who helps you out and gives you free popcorn and i think that he would be awesome at that job :)
I really would like to work at the movie theatre over the summer and after I retire. It would be a fun job I think.
that would be cool to see mr.bruns to see him give us a free movie, popcorn, and etc. for food. Go Mr. Bruns.
i think it would be funny. but mr.bruns would bhe good at it because he is nice and ya