
  • She probably shouldn't be able to keep her children. She probably was very stressed since she was only 19 and had two kids and was pregnant.
  • that is soo terrible.. i can't believe the mom is only 19 and has like 3 kids. she should've known kids are stressful and you can not kill them. totally not an accident.
  • wow i dont think this was an accident i mean i get mad at my family too but i dont go and hurt them or anything like that.
  • whoaa thats terrible. yeahh exactlyy you would think she would have seen her hiding underneath it...
  • WHat scares me is that she has 2 other children (well one and one on the way). And she's really young. I think the dad should get full custody of both children. there is no forgiving murder, especially that of a young defenseless child
  • She should definitely not be able to keep the next baby.
  • ummmm.. wow. there is no way that that could have been an accident.
  • umm...wouldnt you SEE someone hiding under a couch cushion?
  • i am kinda scared for her next baby
  • Why would you kill your own daughter?? Maybe she didnt take her pills.
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