
  • haha I really like the maze bathroom. That would be really cool but I bet it would make people mad if they really had to go but they couldn't figure out how to get there.
  • it would be cool to go into them
  • this would be so cool! just floating around the bathroom haha
  • haha those are sweet i like the all white one and the gold one.
  • that kinda sketchy to have a toilet that looks like an alligator
  • The bulletproof bathroom is weird i dont get who would try and shoot you when you are using the bathroom? The gold bathroom is really pretty(:
  • some of those look pretty weird.. i dont know how id feel using them.. and who would come up with those ideas anyway? apparently they thought going to the bathroom needed to be interesting/entertaining?
  • That is weird. Who wouldn't want to see fish swimming around them during their morning pee? I think I'll just settle for my current bathroom, on land.. in a house.
  • that is really weird.
  • haha this makes me glad we have half way normal bathrooms!
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