A fifteen year-old girl was badly beaten by another girl and then robbed at a bus terminal. The worst part? Three security gaurds were standing by as the attack took place and did NOTHING but call the cops who arrived after the assailants fled the scene. The gaurds were trained not to act and took there job way too literally. Please express your outrage. Profanity will be accepted. (I suppose just kidding on that last part for Mr. Bruns' sake.) Here is a link to the STORY and video.
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Usually human instinct would kick in and tell you to protect somebody in danger, maybe that's just with me? Seriously though, it gets to a point when you have to think of others and not just your job.
Why would your train your security gaurds to NOT take action if something serious is happening?! Doesn't that just defeat the purpose? I feel so sorry for that girl! and those stupid security gaurds.. GAAAAAAH!... something needs to be done with them!
Why would you train your security gaurds not to take action if there's a serious problem going on? doesnt that really defeat the purpose. I feel so sorry for that girl. and those stupid.... GAAAAAAAAAAH....... security gards, something needs to be done with them!
yeahh they probably should have done somethingg instead of just observe. and there were three of them, you'd think one would at least have common sense...