Recently a 15 year old Pakistani girl was shot in the head on the way home from school by the Taliban. The Taliban said they targeted this girl, Malala Yousufzai, because she was an advocate for girl's right to education and spoke out against the Taliban. Malala was flown to the Queen Elizabeth hospital in Birmingham to recover. Doctors say she is doing well. She is able to stand now with help and can write. What do you think of this story? I think the girl is very brave for sticking up for her beliefs in such an oppressive place. Read more about her recovery here.
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This girl is very brave for standing up for what she believes in. That is a very strong and courageous thing to do. It is sad that they shot her though.
I think she very brave to be standing up for rights they should have at such a young age. Ihope she gets better and continues to work for that goal.
That really is sad, that a young girl like that was shot because she was fighting for her rights. I just hope she recovers fully and starts back with her advocating and such.
This is one of the main reasons that American troops are still in the middle east. I think that it is horrible that things like this are considered acceptable, and go unpunished.
I cant believe someone would shoot her for standing up for what she believes in. She is only 15 i think she did not deserve to get shot. Im glad she is getting better and i hope she keeps getting better.
In her situation it is very risky to speak out like that, because it puts her life in danger. If she really has an opinion or wants to speak out i suggest not to because it is so risky. i would be scared to death if i were here especially if the Taliban were targeting me.
That's good that she is doing better. She should be able to go to school if she wants.
You never know what people are capable of doing now a days! Has anyone ever wondered what goes through someones mind before they go out and shoot someone?? Anyways, i hope she has a speedy recovery.
i agree. that is great that she stuck up for what she believed in also! but was it necessasry to shoot her? people these days just think violence is the answer! but no! its not, think before you do or say things! i feel horrible for this girl who was shot in the head! thats just a terrible thing that happened.
I personally think that this is sad. I understand it's in a diffrent country and all, but they should have laws and restrictions for that kind of thing. Like we do. We have the right to Freedom Of Speech. I think she is very brave and a role model. I hope she gets better fast. I admire her.