1. A Justin Bieber Doll
2. A Chihuahua
3. A Toilet Seat
4. An Alligator
5. A Shake and Weight
6. A Whole Raw Chicken
7. Flip Flops
8. Garden Gnome
9. A Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich
10. A Milkshake
11. A Cheez-it
12. A Bible
13. A Banana
14. A Crucifix (A Cross)
15. Hamburger
Obviously most of these "weapons" wouldn't work so well which is good and it's good that they got caught. I think the craziest is that a woman was so upset about losing her dog she went to get a new one from the breeder and when that didn't work she stated hitting the breeder with the dogs carcass! Wow these people obviously didn't understand that they were doing very stupid (literally) decisions. Tell me what the craziest for you is. To read how the rest of the 15 went down click the link above.
A Justin Beiber Doll??????????????????? That would be up to no use for harm unless its a Barbie versoin and it poked you in the eye, but just really odd.
i dont reaally know what some of these people where thinking but the best onr there i the doll i meen just looking at it would be neough to kill someone.
I think that #11 is hilarious because i cant imagine someone using a cheez-it as a weapon. As for the others on that list and the one about the lady and the dog carcass is just simply crazy.
I am really surprised that people would use these "weapons" to try to hurt someone. For me personally i would use the garden gnome.
in this day and age, most of these really dont suprise me. people will use anything and everything they can get their hands on.
Those are some really dumb objects to use as weapons, but people aren't always the smartest. That's sick that someone used a dog carcass as a weapon..
those have to be the craziest things i have ever heard of to use as weapons. I wold love to see someone use a cheez-it as a weapon though.
why would you hit someone with an animal? and a hamburger? just eat the hamburger, duh.
really a chihuahua? that's messed up. the hamburger is pretty pathetic too because it wouldn't even hurt a person.