Diamond Pets Foods had to recall all of their dog food from a South Carolina pet food. 14 people got sick not from eating the food, but from handling it. They all got a rare case of salmonella. None of the animals that ate the food got sick just the people who handled it. The people were from Alabama, Connecticut, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. The dog food was sold in Eastern US and parts of Canada. The company does ask people to throw away any recent purchases of their 11 dog food types.
What do you think?
EW! I think that those people have a right to get upset. I know i would. My pets are my bestfriends. Even if they didn't get hurt it's the fact there's a chance they could have. Obvously Dimands Pet Food is not a trustable reacource. I think that they need to start double cheaking things, people could get horribly sick! I think it's crazy you could get Salmanilla and not even have to eat that food!
That is crazy that you can get salmonella from handeling food, I thought you could just get it for eating the food.
OK, isn't it kind of their own faults if they did not wash their hands after handling the DOG food. i mean come on, that's just asking to be sick.
That is wrong. how could somebody get sick from handling dog food. I mean they should wash their hands after they're done handling it because you dont know what is in it.
thats just gross how a person could get a disease from touching dog food and non of the dogs got it
yuck, thats descusting, why would you even want to eat dog food!
Hopefully everybody will be okay and that they stop this company before anything else bad happens. I just wonder what would happen if somebody ate it, because i know a lot of people that have ate dog food including myself. haha
Wouldnt they test the food before they sell it and didnt someone touch the food in the company. Wonder how they figured out that it was the dog food that made them sick? good thing they found out what was cousing it though.
That is weird that people can get sick from touching the dog food but the dogs dont even get sick!
WOW. Whatever whats in that food must be pretty bad if you can get in just from touching it. I think these people should sue.