13 year-old Zara Hartshorn of England or something like that has a very rare disease called lipodystrophy. Her face appears decades older than she really is. The disease is hereditery and her mother has it. Zara has six sisters, three of which have the horrible disease. The children were all concieved by multiple partners, and the family is on wellfare so it seems that cosmetic surgery is out of the question. Zara is ridiculed at school and stays indoors as much as possible. Check out the video here

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  • thats sad to have a disease like that.
  • hah. she can buy all of her twelve year old friends alcohol.
    • aaaaaaaaaaahhahahahaha,, i mean .,,, HOW D ARE you shes a nice lady!
  • That sounds like the Benjamin Button movie! Except he get younger as he ages.
  • It is definetely a terrible disease. The kids at school should know that she can't control what is happening. They should not be making fun of her.
  • wow just think when she is 80 she look like 120 which is naste
  • oo that stinks, I guess she is gonna marry somebody older than her so they match :) see there's a solution for everything.
  • I have never heard of this before, weird!
  • ahh! the orphan girl on the movie can do that! weird!
  • I heard about this. I wonder what she will look like when she actually gets older
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