
  • that would really suck
  • ya dude thats like really really weird i guess you could say that shes really sick
  • Wow this is very depressing. Who knows she might sneeze to death.
  • that would sucked you could even do anything or go anywhere
  • That sucks
  • i hate sneezing i try to avoid sneezing as much as possible lol
  • HAHA. That would be terrible and i feel sorry for the little girl but not going to lie, pretty funny stuff. I couldnt image going to the doctors three times a day and not being able to do anything!
  • maybe she has a big ol boog up in there and needs to blog her nose a bit harder hahahahaha
  • That would really suck. When i sneeze my nose kinda stings... I feel bad for this girl :(
  • I actually like the feeling of sneezing, weird, I know. But still, that would be very annoying and disruptful
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