A 12 year old boy faces battery charges after critically wounding two people in a school shooting. He is being charged in children's court with three accounts with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. He brought the gun to school in a duffle bag and opened fire in the school gym. There is also an ongoing investigation in whether he told some of his friends to not go to school that day. The still don't know what the boy's reasoning was but they are investigating it.
I feel that maybe there should be some better security in schools to stop this kind of thing from happening. I hope soon that these shooting will stop because there have been a lot of them.
What do you think? Do you think that better security in schools would help this problem? Any other ideas to stop this problem? What do you thing his reasoning is?
The Story: Here
Well done Conner!
I think he was probably mad at some of his teachers or maybe he was even bullied by other kids and he just couldn't handle it anymore.
I think this school should get a xray scanner for all the bags that come through the school so they know what to do.
I think it is a horrible situation. The reason could of been a bulling issue. Ether way the parents should have been more responsible and not have a kid be able to access guns.
I think that thilngs like this should just not happen. The only thing is i dont know how they are going to stop it unless they use security guards or something along those lines.
I think that these types of stories are appearing way too many times lately. I think that by putting these kids all over the news and putting them all over the internet is apart of the problem. It's giving kids the thought that if they do something extreme they'll get a good amount of attention. I think a good way to stop it is to not put it on the news.
I think that schools need more security/protection for the school from student shooters. The threat of shooters that are not going to school, I think, has been almost completely eliminated. I can't think of a reason why he would shoot anybody at the school.
Sometimes I'd like to know what is going on in someones head that does this, but it could be a real dark place. Some people don't realise that a simple hello to someone could save their lives. He could have been bullied and this was was he thought of to end that problem. It's sad and horrible that it was done.It could have been a mental disorder that caused some of it too.
Ya that's true i don't know about his home life but he could have had a terrible home life and nobody could have checked to see if he had any mental disorders that could lead him to do this. I agree that being nice to people could also stop this from happening.
I think that this kid was a little crazy. how did he get the gun anyway?