Nathan Entingh, 10 years old, got suspended from school for three days for making his fingers into the shape of a gun. Paul Entingh (father) said that his son was "goofing off" with his friends in a science class. Nathan was making his fingers look like a gun, have the thumb up and the pointed finger sticking out. When Nathan made his fingers look like a gun he put it to his friends head and said "boom". None of the other kids saw it but the teacher did. The teacher took Nathan out of the room and to the office under a zero-tolerance policy.
Read the full article here:
What do you think of this story? Do you think that Nathan should have been suspended or not? And why do you feel this way?
Well done!!
I've heard many different versions of this story, and I've always taken the side of the "offender". Nathan was having harmless fun and the school overreacted. He shouldn't have been suspended because this was his first time, he didn't know any better, no one told him beforehand that it was wrong. A talking to and detention are reasonable, suspension is simply unfair.
I don't think the kid should have been suspended. He didn't actually hurt anyone? They should just keep an eye on the boy as he grows up.
Yes, I thought that it was alittle over the top for him to be suspended for something as stupid as this.
I think it is just innocence fun for a 10 year old. No, I don't think that he should have been suspended. I feel this way because he wasn't harming anyone, sure he might have been interrupting class but that should be more of a talk between the teacher and Nathan.
The real question is how do you feel about this?
I think the teacher took it a little to far by taking Nathan having him suspended. All he was doing was messing around. If he did disrupt the class then he and the teacher should have had a talk. I don't see what the threat was here.
i think that is dumb. i dont think he should of got suspened because he wont do it probaly
I think this is ridiculous. He did nothing wrong just messing around with a friend and now he is suspended. Everyone has probably "threatened" to kill a friend before. It's to extreme to suspend him.
I agree with this. Nathan was only messing around with a friend nothing more.
I don't think a 10 year old is going to learn a lesson from a suspension from school. He probably thought it was cool to miss school. so they should of kept him in school.