10-year-old killed in school fight

Fifth-grade student Joanna Ramos died last week after an altercation with a female classmate in Long Beach, California.

A ten year old girl died from a blunt force trauma to the head 6 hours after a fight with an eleven year old. It wasn't until 6 hours after the fight until she died.

The fight was behind a church in an alley way. When Joanna Ramos came back to the school for her after school program, she claimed that she didnt feel very good. The teachers saw nothing on her that led them to suspect an altercation had happened, but after she was picked up from school the was taken to the hospital where she died.

The police are still investigating the case.

I think that it would be really hard for the police to point fingers at small children. Their only witnesses are 12 or younger which makes it even more difficult. What would you do in this situation if you were the police or judge?



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  • This would be really hard for a police because its not like they did it on purpose. All little kids have fights but who would of thought it could lead to this sorta thing. I think i would find the kid she was fighting with and talk to her about it and maybe take her to someplace for a day.

  • This is really sad. Why didn't any of the kids that were watching try and stop it? Isn't that what they repeatly teach us? That if we are standing there watching we are just as guilty as the people that are fighting. I just wish there was a way that this didn't have to happen to her.

  • This is so sad that a thing like this would happen. Also how can this happen, I mean aren't teacher's and school staff supposed to step in if a fight happens to stop it from escalading to a point like this. I just feel so bad because she was so young.

  • Wow. That is so sad. I wouldn't want to be a cop for this reason. I hate pointing figures and when children are involved it seems a lot harder too. I mean I am sure that will haunt all those children, so honestly I would just leave it alone because I am sure that is enough to teach them that lesson.

  • This is so sad that a little girl's life was cut short because of violence. America's youth needs to be educated earlier on violence, and personally I think that it starts with the parents or legal gaurdians. I also think actions should be taken on the 11 year old for aggrivated assault with accidental manslaughter

  • You cant really point fingers at the 11 year old cuz im sure she cant hit that hard but i dont really know. If i were the police officer i would put everyone who was involved into handcuffs and go through all of the processes that anyone else who was convicted of murder. if i were the judge i would make the kids stay in jail for maybe2 or 3 days and treat them the same way any other person would be treated there! they would learn after that not to fight anymore!

  • These are the kind of tradgities that make people sob just looking at. she is so young and has so much of her life left to live, but now it is ruined by messing around and fighting with another little kid at such a young age.

  • This is just so sad, why does there have to be fights in school, especially with such young kids!  I have a feeling this one is going to be very hard for the police to decide since the only witnesses are young kids.

  • This is really sad. I hate when people die..especially when they're not even into their teen years! I wonder if she could have been saved if someone had told an adult.?

  • This is rediculous, what reason could they possibly have to get in a fight that rough? I feel sorry for her family.


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