10 Most Useless Car Technologies

Okay, so we all know that technology is a becoming a big part in vehicles now days. Check out the 10 most useless ones.


My thoughts? they are pretty crazy and really just plain stupid. what do you think?

  • Paddle Shifters for Automatic Transmissions
  • Interlocked Seatbelts and Starter
  • Automatically Steering Headlights
  • Automatic Moisture-Sensing Wipers
  • Map Lights
  • Motorized Rearview Mirror
  • Motorized Seatbelts
  • Proximity Warning Systems
  • Electronic Parking Brake
  • Chevrolet Volt Capacitive Touch Controls




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  • I didn't even know most of these things were even made.. Therefore they are pretty useless.

  • Are they really useless if they forward technology though

  • The ones that I would like the most are automatic moisture sensing wipers. I do think the interlocked seatbelts are cool, because you can't start your car without having your seatbelt on.

  • some of these things would be cool to have but they do sound pretty useless.

  • i think these are kinda cool but would be really annoying in some situations. Some of these might be usefull but the other ones can go.

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