
  • That was a stupid prank. who ever thought it would be fun to scare everyone by seating of prank bombs am glad they got arrested look at their friend

  • This was a stupid prank. They should have known that someone was going to be injured. I am glad that they got arrested. Setting of bombs is not a prank.

  • Why would you set off bombs as a prank? They could kill someone and besides how would you think that you would get away with setting off bombs at a school because their are a lot of people around and usually their are also some cameras.

  • That's a dumb prank - there are lots of school pranks you can do that are harmless and just funny. Setting off a bomb is just stupid. 

  • That is so dumb. Why would someone set off a bomb at a school? They would have had to have known that it would hurt someone.

  • they are really stupid. setting off a bomb is not a prank its somethin you do in the millitary and thats wat terrorists do. i hope they learn there lesson

  • why would you set a bomb off at school thats so dumb. I cant belive people would think that would be a prank.

  • how would setting off bombs be a prank, bombs are made to hurt people, i see nothing funny about this "prank"

  • they sound seriously dumb. did they think they could get away setting bombs off as school, of all places? obviously someone is going to see them either way. i hope they learned their lesson.

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