trump VS kamala 2024

The 2024 election between Donald J Trump and Kamala Harris is a high-stakes contest, going over political divisions in the United States. Trump the Republican nominee, is seeking to return to the white house after his defeat in 2020. Trump has been getting lots of support due to his assassination attempt on July 13th, 2024. Kamala Harris the democratic nominee is now running instead of Joe Biden since he decided to drop out of the race in July. The election is expected to be highly polarized and very close. In November the votes will be finalized and we will have our new president of 2024.


Trump as most of us know is already a former president. Which can help his case quite a bit. And since he is also male there is a greater chance of people wanting him. Trump mainly focuses' on prioritizing Americas interests by advocating for policies under the banner of " America First ". He aims to strengthen the economy by tax cuts, deregulation, and renegotiating trade deals. He also wants immigration to be more strict on who comes in and from where. He also wants to bolster the military, increase defense spending, and adopt a more assertive foreign policy.


Kamala Harris is the second women to be in the final election. She wants to normalize social equity, economic opportunity, and justice reform. She also wants to normalize affordable care. Focusing on ending mass incarceration and ensuring equal justice in law. She also is deep in women's rights including reproductive rights' personally Would like a women as president. Especially the part about affordable care, it should not cost money to get a check up.

Who do you want as president ?

How would you feel about a women as president ?

Why do you feel this way?

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  • Good topic choice Elena! Your summary is good but would have liked to see who you supported. Do you think many Americans won't vote for Harris becuase she is a woman?  Be sure to comment more frequently on three different days. You only commented a few times.

  • I feel like having a women as a president would be good since there has never been a female president but I don't know if Kamala Harris is the best candidate for president. Both sides have good points but I personally don't know which one I would side with.

  • In my opinion I think trump would be the better persedent because he has experinece. Also trump just talks really smooth and has lots of fans, plus the gender should not affect who deservs to be the presidant of the united states.

  • Personally, I think Trump would be a better president. Trump has already been our president once and has experinece. I like Trumps plans and adjustments he would make if he was relected. I think that gender shouldnt matter towards who our president is. It should be based off their views and plans for the US. I would like to see a female president in the future, but for right now I would say Donald Trump. 

  • I personally think Kamala Harris would make a better president. Firstly, Trump seems to be focusing more on the country's image, as opposed to Harris, who looks to be more focused on internal issues. Having a female president would be a tremendous accomplishment, as it would deter sexism.

  • I think that Donald Trump is better fit to fill the space as president of the United States. There are many reasons I think this such as him being a much better speaker. I don't think that it matters wheather a person is male or female, as long as they are mentally and physically fit to hold office.

  • Me personaly Want Trump for presedent. The reason I think this is Kamala says she is going to do she has caused. although she wasnt presedent she had a say in what biden did and i belive that She will not fiX what she caused 

  • i would vote for donald trump. I don't have any problems with a female president, but Kamala doesn't meet what I would want a president. But, I like trump because his beliefs and what he did for the ecnomy and jobs and miltiary in 2016-2020 and I believe he will continue that if elected.

  • If I coulkd pick the preident I would pick Trump. I dont belive that gender should matter with who the president it nor should race. I feel thios way because I think the we should vote on there polices. I also think we should vote based of there world veiw and what they find important for America.

  • I would lead more on Trump because he already has done one term and now knows what has worked the best and was hasnt, I would not mind a girl president as long as she gets the job done and the right way, but at this moment I am for Trump because of the past term with him and now has more experience than Kamala and will lead us further down a positive path. 

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