Should The US Have Daylight Savings Time?

Daylight savings time has been around for over a hundred years. During World War I, Germany was wanting to find a way to save energy. In 1916 they started using daylight savings time.  After the US found out about daylight savings time, the US wanted to start using it as well. The US eventually started using daylight savings in 1918. We are one of the 70 countries that still use daylight savings time today.


Daylight savings time does not only save energy, it also makes it so there are longer daylight hours. With this, people can do a lot more things in the day. It will be easier for people to get to work and come home because it is light out. It can also be safer for people because light makes it easier to see what is going on in their surroundings. Daylight savings is also good for the economy. When it is light outside, more people are going out and doing things like spending money for groceries or shopping. Lastly, it makes people have more active lifestyles. With this, you see more people outside doing different activities and playing sports. 


Daylight savings time is not always beneficial. One con of daylight savings time is it is bad for people's health. There are some people that die every year because they are stressed by daylight savings time. When people get stressed they get headaches and some people even have heart attacks. Another thing daylight savings time does is drop productivity. Daylight savings time can make people tired, thus they are not being as productive at work or in their daily activities at home.


I don’t think we should keep daylight savings time. It causes a lot of deaths and it makes a lot of people tired so they don’t want to do things. It is also really confusing for people since the times are off. I can see why people think we should keep it though.'s%20been%20plenty%20of%20debate,Americans%20call%20daylight%20saving%20time.,was%20repealed%20a%20year%20later.'s%20(DST)%20longer%20daylight%20hours%20promote%20safety.,-Longer%20daylight%20hours&text=Also%2C%20daylight%20in%20the%20evening,and%20criminal%20activity%20is%20lowered.


Should the US keep daylight savings time?


Is daylight saving time beneficial?


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  • Great topic choice and super job Ashlyn! I would have liked to have seen you mention how Congress has been serioulsy considering making DST permament the last few years.

  • Should the US keep daylight savings time? I do not belive that we should keep it while it has its benifits i feel like the negiteves over turn the positeves main positive is just more light during the day but it can be bad for farmers but i dont think it makes that big of a diffrence to them 

  • I think that the USshould keep daylight savings time. I like whem the time changes. SO its not just one time for the whole entire year it's different through out the year. So I think that should keep daylight savings time. 

  • I believe we should keep daylight savings time. Not only is it still beneficial to farmers today, but people also need a healthy intake of Vitamin D, which most commonly comes from sunlight. Daylight gives people a sense of when to get up and work and when to wind down and sleep. Daylight savings helps people's internal clocks and is overall still useful today. 

    • I disagree with what you said. I feel like more people used daylight savings time in the past then now. Even though people if Vitamin D there are still people dying from daylight savings time. Some people are getting heartattacks since they are stressed.

  • Yes, I feel like the U.S. should keep daylight savings time. Because it has a lot of benefits being able to do things longer and be outside. A con is when it starts to get darker earlier during the winter you use more energy because they sun isn't out as long as it is in summer. 

    • I disagree with what you said. I feel like we should get rid of it since people don't use the energy as much as they did in the past. I also feel like we get more energy in the summer then in the winter. With that I feel like it can get confusing for some people.

  • I think that daylight savings is a very complicated but complex topic. Many don't really know how it works or when it starts or when it ends, but they know it appears at some point. It can be bad for your health and impact your sleep schedule heavily. I believe it is beneficial in some ways. It reduces energy comsumption.

    • I can see why you said that. I feel like it did helps save energy but I feel like we don't use as much of it now as we did in the past. It can really impact peoples health, make people confused, and it can even make people tired for the day.

  • Should the US keep daylight savings time? In my opinion we should not keep Daylight Savings Time, while there are some benefits like extended daylight and benefits to the economyf, the negative impacts on health (such as increased stress and heart attacks) and productivity are more important, and are why we should not keep daylight savings. 

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