April fools day is a tradition celebrated or practiced every year on April first. It is a day full of tricks or jokes typically followed by the words “April Fools!” April Fools day has been around for centuries and is celebrated by many different cultures. Its true origin can be considered a mystery. There are only theories about how Aprils Fools truly came to be.
Some historians date April Fools Day back to 1582. This was when France switched from the Julian calendar to the Georgian calendar. In the Julian calendar the new year began around April 1st. The Georgian calendar started the new year in January. Many people didn’t acknowledge the change to January and continued to celebrate it in April. It became a widespread joke, people would make paper fish and place them on their backs meaning , “poisson d’avril,” or april fish. It was meant to mean an easily caught fish or a gullible person.
Do you like April Fools Day?
Have you ever done a prank on someone for April Fools Day? If so, what was it?
Did you know the history of April Fools Day?
I do like april fools day just because it's fun and my uncle's birthday is on april fools day. I have pranked people. I put toothpaste in place of frosting in oreos. I didn't know the history of april fools day and I never thought about it being a thing.
I like April Fools because it is funny and keeps you entertained throughout the day. I have pranked multiple people on April Fools like my sister I told her my dog died and she started crying. No, I didn't know the history of April fools but it is interesting to learn about.
I think April Fools Day is fun because pranks are pretty fun but sometimes people can take them way too far. I have probably done an April Fools Day prank on someone but I don't remember what it was. I didn't know very much about April Fools Day.
I agree, sometimes people can take the jokes too far.
I don't love or hate April Fools Day, I feel neutral about it. I have thorwn harmless pranks before such as gluing coins to my kitchen floor for my family to find and I didn't know the history until after reading this forum post on April Fools day and the history of it.
I personally don't mind April Fools Day because I don't ever get April fooled. I have done an April Fool's prank on my mom with my sibling and we made her come home from work because we pranked her by saying one of my little brothers cracked his head open when she got home, she told us not to ever prank her like that again and she made us clean the whole house after. No, I never really knew the history.
I like having a day like April Fools Day because it is a day where you can make fun little pranks. I have done a few pranks on this day, one year I gave my sisters "chocolate covered grapes," but they were really chocolate covered tomatoes. I didn't know the history of this day.
I agree, you are very stupid for eating the "chocolate covered grapes".
I did not know the history of April fools, and normally don't participate in it. It can still be fun watching or hearing about pranks. I think I have had people try to tell me something thats not true for April fools but I've never really been pranked past that.
I like having april fools day becuase of having a day to mess around and do and say anthing, No i have not pranked anyone but ive seen pranks about it and diffrent memes. I did not know the history behide april fools