Baptism Turns into Funeral

On September 19 a magnitude 7.1 earthquake shook Mexico. At the time there was a baptism at the heart of the quake. The church crumbled around the congregation and killed 6 people, except for the father of the child being baptized the entire family is gone. The town is coming together through the rubble and together burying the family along with 5 others that were in the destruction. Friends are lining the streets and carrying the elaborately designed caskets, because of the destruction they are forced to wear everyday clothes. Much of the town is coming to the funeral to support the father in his loss.

If you were in the church while this was happening what would you do?

~I would try to get into a doorway or under a church pew because that way at least the debris wont hurt me as much.

Do you think that some religions will try to make this against the church or do you think many will help them?

~I think that some religions, especially in the middle east will try to say that the church was being 'punished' because they aren't part of their religion. I think that these religions will either try to scare people into joining or other churches are going to send things to them like people are doing to Huston and Florida. 

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    • I like how your response is honest, I agree because theirs going to be dust in the air and you dont know what else is going to fall of if what your stepping on is unstable. 

  • If i was in the church at the time i'd try to make sure that everyone was ok and help them get out. and i think that many people will come to show their support to the family and church.

  • During the earth quake I would try and find the safest place possible like maybe under a pew like you. I think people will try and help this family because of how they lost everyone but the dad.

  • I think if I would sitting near the front I would try and help save the child being baptized. I think they probably will but I think it would be better if they showed their support.

  • If I was in the church while this was happening, I would try my best to evacuate everyone and direct them to the nearest exit into an open area with no falling debris. It would be mass chaos and panic, but I would do my best to try and get everyone to safety as well as myself. If you are not calm in a bad situation, it has an effect on other people which also causes them to panic making the situation worse.

  • 1. I would find a place to hide or I would try to get out of the church as fast as I could so I couldn't get hurt

    2. Some religions will think different things like this happened to this church because they didn't believe in what they believed in but others will help pay to rebuild a church  

  • I think I would react the same way as anyone would. I would try and save myself as well as anyone else I could. I also think this family will forever be hurt because of this event but they will be receiving a lot of money. 

  • Just like in any earthquake I would try and escape as fast as possible so i would not be crumbled. I think many people will help this family as they have been hurt and will need a lot of help to get through this time. 

  • 1. Me, I would freak out and sprint to the closest, safest place. 

    2. I think that there will be some churches that will help and others that won't. Some could say it's a punishment, or others could do it to make themselves took better. There may be some that simply do it because it's a good deed.

  • Maybe I would hide somewhere next to the doors in case the church crumbles, like this church in Mexico. But I'm not sure about that because if I imagine to be in that situation (probably with family members), I think would stay in a group and try to figure out who's idea is the best one. 

    In my opinion everyone should care about these victims. In reality there are different opinions of different people but for sure, there will be lots of people who are selfless and who will help.

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