Semester Test Blog

  1. 1. Describe the situation/conflict between the US and North Korea.-10 points

North Korea has been involved with nuclear weapons for a long time. In 2013 they threatened to drop a nuclear missile on the U.S. Also the U.S. doesn’t like their policies. Dennis Rodman is friends with Kim Jong UN.  Father is Kim Jong-Il and grandfather is Kim II-Sung. The Korean War was fought between South and North Korea during 1950-1953. North Korea wanted to be Communist while South Korea wanted to be a Democracy.  They have had many nuclear tests.


2. What are the main economic and political systems that are practiced in the world and how do they differ?-10    

  • Anarchy: no government.
  • Mixed Economy is in almost every country, it blends two different governments into one. We talked a lot about what capitalism.
  • Direct Democracy- a form of government when people want to participate, have the power to vote. Majority rules. California the state, Massachusetts, Nevada, and Nebraska. Almost every state in the U.S. has it. No country has this government. 
  • Representative Democracy- A form of government when representatives are elected by people to make laws for us. Canada, United Kingdom, India is the largest democracy of the world based on people, Australia, and the United States.
  • Dictatorship- When one person or a small group takes total control of all aspects in the country. Germany, North Korea, Libya, Sudan
  • Oligarchy- A government when a small group of people have control. South Africa, China, Russia, Pakistan, and Cuba
  • Socialism- An organized system where major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than individuals. Opposite of Capitalism. India, Tanzania, Angola, Portuguese.
  • Absolute Monarchy- Total power over land and people, a King or Queen or an Emperor. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Brunei, Oman, Swaziland.
  • Constitutional Monarchy- A country ruled by a King or Queen whose powers are limited by a constitution. Australia, Canada, Jamaica, Spain, and the UK
  • Capitalism: Business and their owners make products in order to make a profit. Economical system where people control their businesses. U.S, Russia, Switzerland, Germany, and Japan. The biggest critic of capitalism is it allows a small percent of people to control the money.
  •  Practice of Communism- A system of government that one person or a group of two persons control everything in the country. Currently have it are- China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam.
  • Theory of Communism- Karl Marx theory, a government would need to control everything coming into the country so that no one could exceed other people, creating equality. Steps:  1 overthrows the government 2. Dictator or leader to gain control over the working class (they try to control all citizens personal choices and actions) 3. Take over the utopia (perfect countries) this step has never worked.

3. What is income inequality, why is it an issue and what can be done to help improve it?-10

How money is distributed among the citizens of the U.S.  Income inequality is said to be by the government a result of bad policies that favor the rich and leave everyone else struggling. Take down social barriers, we should try to communicate with people of different income standings, see how they live for a day. Make schools better and mix both schools together. Give money to the poor, be generous. Give the people who work in the companies a say in the business. Have the taxes become reasonably higher for the rich.  They need the money to pay for program, the schools, and give everyone a chance for a successful life. Try to make the political campaign fairer for all the income classes.

4. What are the major differences between democrats and republicans in the United States?-10

  • Democrats think abortion is the woman’s right, while the republicans think they are killing.    
  • Republicans think we should cut the taxes on everyone, but the Democrats want to tax the wealthy more.
  • Democrats want to cut military spending, expand veteran’s benefits, but the republicans think we need to increase military spending.
  • Death penalty is favored by the Republicans, but the democrats think it should not be allowed.
  • Gay marriage is favored by the democrats (civil rights), and the republicans oppose it (trust between man and woman)

5. Describe US diplomacy/foreign policy over the years.-20

Containment- during the Cold War we need to contain communism. Isolation: the U.S. stayed out of wars and other countries issues. George Washington- Late 1800s we focused on building and expanding our countries. Imperialism: the U.S. and other countries took over land in late 1800s. WWII: we became a world superpower. During the Cold War we stopped communism. Brinkmanship: almost going to war, but stopping right before war breaks out.  The war with Iraq started because they saw us as invader.


6. Describe the importance of the US Constitution and the Amendments.-20

The US Constitution gives all American citizens their rights and freedoms. It sets up the branches of government. Article 1 set up the legislative branch. Two senators per state and population depend on the House. Congress can make laws; look over the president’s plans, and taxes. Article II sets up the Executive branch and all its power. The President will serve for 4 years and commander of the Army.  Article III sets up the judicial branch. Their job is to see all cases.   The 1st amendments give us the freedom of religion, speech, press, and assembly. 5th amendment you get the right to not admit anything and go to trial a second time for the same case.  


7. Describe the impact Climate Change may have on the world.-10

The water levels are rising due to the polar ice caps melting. Also people are having serious problems with drought and heat waves.  The elderly, sick, poor, and children are the most impacted. Wildfires can decrease air quality, threat mental health, and affects food. Electricity use will go up due to the hot weather.  Surface and groundwater are running scarce from all the demand.  The warmer climate can help with the growing season of crops, but droughts are causing other problem.  Indigenous people are having to move and change their ways of live from the temperature rising. It affects water flow and quality. 

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