Semester Test Blog

1. Describe the situation/conflict between the US and North Korea.-10 points

Japan lost WWII, and Korea was split into two.The Soviet took control of north, and the US took control of the south. North Korea today is still a communist country.In 1953, North Korea and South Korea went to war. The U.S. didn’t like North Korea's nuclear weapons program. It began early in the1900’s, along with the Six Party Talks. That involved China, Japan, Russia, North Korea, South Korea, and the U.S. They were trying to find a peaceful solution. At this time Kim Jong-il was the leader of North Korea. When he died his son Kim Jong-un took over.It went back and forth quite a few times, Kim promising to stop nuclear weapons, then doing a secret underground nuclear test. Dennis Rodman went to North Korea and made friends with Kim. He even sang him happy birthday. That conjured up a lot of controversy.

2. What are the main economic and political systems that are practiced in the world and how do they differ?-10 Economic: Capitalism & Socialism Political Systems: Communism, Monarchy, Democracy, Dictatorship, and Anarchy. Capitalism is where businesses are privately owned. Socialism is when the state has ownership. Karl Marx wanted equality. He tried to obtain a utopian society. He had a theory of Communism, but that required taking the upper classes money.That wasn't going to happen. Communism is little or no private ownership. Monarchy is when power is passed down in the family. Absolute is when the ruler governs alone without laws. Constitutional is when the powers of the ruler is restricted to the constitution. Democracy is when the people vote for president and help rule. Dictatorship is when one person has absolute power, such as Kim Jong-un. Lastly Anarchy there is no real power or order.

3. What is income inequality, why is it an issue and what can be done to help improve it?-10 Income inequality is about how the wealth of the US is not distributed evenly whatsoever.The top 1% of the countries population control 40% of the worlds wealth. The top 20% controls 93%. It is a huge issue in the US. It most likely won't change. It has significantly changed over the years. It’s an issue because the middle and lower class are really struggling. While the upper class have more money than they know what to do with. That also helps control government. The rich give money to campaigns. We can help by giving random donations to the poor, or other charity's.

4. What are the major differences between democrats and republicans in the United States?-10 The representatives are more conservative and religious.Religion has a lot to do with how they don't believe in abortion. They usually stay out of thing and taxes should not be increased. Republican believe in a strong national defense. Democrats don't. Democrats tend to spend more money, which leads to higher taxes. They are both pretty neutral on education.

5. Describe US diplomacy/foreign policy over the years.-20 The  american war was a lot of it. George Washington was president. Era of imperialism is in the Great War Archduke was killed and that causes it. causes of WWI militarism, imperialism, nationalism, alliances. Big country's trying to take over lots of land nationalism is thinking you need pure blood germans. Two major alliances that went to war were Hungary declared war on Serbia then Germany France and so on get into it then turns into a world war US made a huge difference. Isolationism:US moved to get away from other country's problems...WWII Treaty of Versailles Germany lost everything League of Nations. We never signed it because we thought we would get drug into wars. Then Hitler undid everything for Germany... 1920's in the US  Return to Normalcy go back to Isolationism. Japan invades China Germany takes over Poland and so on. We pretended like nothing was happening then Japan bombed us. Causes of WWII Japan invades China Hitler invades Poland Japan attacked US at Pearl Harbor. We were trying to deal with the great depression WWII got us out. Were split into 2 worlds dem. and communist people were scared of a nuclear war, then  cold war started. The united nations was established. Our goal during the Cold War was to contain communism. We believed in domino theory. One country falls and they all fall. Grease and Turkey remain Democratic. We helped rebuild Japan, so that they wouldn't turn Communist. Then went to war in Korea and Vietnam. Brinkmanship: On the brink of war; a bluff(not actually going to war) Massive retaliation/Mutual Assured Destruction: Fear of other side using nuclear weapons. In 1980’s we helped Mujahideen fight the communist. Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979. Then Iran and Iraq went to war. We still don't get along with them today. Cold War ends. Ronald Reagan is president. Mikhail said the Soviets will be better. In the 1990’s, we thought we didn't have anything to worry about. Iraq invaded Kuwait. Nobody liked that, so we got involved.  We freed Kuwait. No fly zone. Saddam Hussein wouldn't let weapons inspector in, so we were suspicious and invaded.We didn’t find anything.  Al-Qaeda saw us as the threat now, and that is why 9/11 happened.  Invaded after 9/11. Pledged to end war in Iraq. Wants to be out of Afghanistan.

6. Describe the importance of the US Constitution and the Amendments.-20 Article one set up the three branches of government:Consists of Senate and House of Representatives Legislative branch is HOR and Senate   Act 2: executive branch is made of cabinet give advice to the president, can give executive orders, wage war. Supreme court has final say .Elastic clause: allows branches of gov. to stretch their powers Act 3: Judicial Branch has no real age limit .Want lawyers and judges but don't have to be impeachment( die retire) to get out of supreme court.  Checks and Balances: Every branch checks on the other, so all power is balanced. One big amendment is freedom of speech. There are a couple that give the right to vote which is also a big deal.


7. Describe the impact Climate Change may have on the world.-10    Republicans say that humans are not causing the cooling trend. There are many different theories. The amount of CO2 is unbearable. The temperature is gradually going up. Were trying to do things to help with CO2 levels, like smart cars. The temperature change is already severely affecting the polar ice caps. Even though we will try to make things better, it’s inevitable.

Semester Test Blog-10

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