blogs september 22-26

Taking notes over chapter 7
Ch. 7.1:

Why did immigrants come to the US?
The immigrant wanted to escape religious persecution have a better life,
where did immigrants come from?
Japan, China, Mexico, Germany, Europe. Asia
what problems/issues did immigrants face on the trip over and once they got here?
The ship had disease and cramped space
why did some people want to put restriction on immigration? What were those restrictions?
The immigrants didn’t want to give up the cultural identities. The restriction were a literacy test for immigrants. Those who could not read 40 words in English or their native language would be refused entry

Ch. 7.2

Why did cities grow so quickly in the late 1800's and early 1900's?
{Cities were the cheapest and most convenient place to live. They also offered unskilled laborers jobs in mills and factories}
what problems did cities fact due to the rapid increase in population?
{Immigrants faced housing transportation water, sanitation crime and fires in cities due to crowding and lack of money}
What did some people do to try to help the bad situation in the cities?

Housing- passed a law that set minimum standard for plumbing and ventilation in apartments

Water built waterworks to handle the increasing demand for water 

Crimes- organized the first full time, salaried police force

Ch. 7.3

what was the political machine and what did they do for a city?

Gained control of local government in major cities after the Civil War. an organized group that controlled activities of a political party
Tell me about Boss Tweed and the Tweed Ring.
Tweed became head of Tammany Hall New York powerful democratic political machine tweed ring- a group of corrupt politician defrauding New York city  
What caused all this corruption in government?

The politicians and politician machines greed and desire for money and or power
what laws came about to reform government?

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