Wisconsin woman burned by her fitbit

A Wisconsin woman, Dina Mitchell, was using her fitbit while reading one night when is suddenly caught on fire. "I was literally just sitting and reading when my Fitbit exploded,” Mitchell told ABC News in an emailed statement on Sunday. "It was either defective or really mad I was sitting still so long… I don’t know. Either way, It burned the heck out of my arm." She ripped the fitbit off her arm while it was still on fire. Mitchell said her doctor had to pick pieces of plastic and rubber out of her arm after the incident.

PHOTO: Dina Mitchell of Wisconsin shows her arm after suffering from second-degree burns.

(Dina Mitchell's arm after the fitbit caught fire)

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What would you have done after something like this happened?

What do you think caused the fitbit to catch on fire?

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  • If this happened to me, I would tell the Fitbit company of the incident so they can fix whatever happened to cause it to catch fire, and I would probably not wear that Fitbit anymore, at least not until I can get a new one that won't burn. The Fitbit probably just overheated, so it caught fire.

  • If something like this happened to me I could be very upset and scared. I would let as many people as I could know about the incident. I think it could've been too hot and overheated. Maybe something wasn't connected right or came undone.

  • I would contact the company who makes these bracelets. And I would also not by anymore of their products. I think that the fitbit was just made wrong, so it caught on fire. I think that the wires were not connected right. 

  • I would be upset that something like this happened and I would alert the company so they could fix any problems so no one else got burned. I would also get rid of mine just to make sure nothing ever happened again.  I think maybe the fit bit's battery got to hot and caught fire, or it was a defective one.

  • I would be mad that it just all of a sudden blew up. I have no idea what caused it to do this, it could've had a malfunction or something in the programming part of it. 

  • I would be really upset that this happened. I would probably right a complaint about it somewhere. I think the fit bit was just over heating. Like with phones sometimes they get over heated. 

  • If I were her I would sew the company for not being satisfied and for the dangerous encounter I had. Maybe if it wasn't properly programmed that could've caused it to catch fire.

  • I would have thrown the fit bit away and went on with my life. That or try and get my money back and make sure to contact the company to let them know of this malfunction. It was probably an overheating processer or battery  

  • I assume I would be very upset about this. I would have immediately ripped the Fitbit. Depending on my injuries, I would have gone to the doctor. I would have contacted the company and tell them about what happened, ask if it has happened before, and see what they could do about it. I don't think I would have sued the company. The device most likely just overheated. 

  • First I would freak out and then I would be upset. The fitbit would obviously be destroyed but I probably would not get a new one afterwards.  I would make an email or something to the company too. The fitbit was probably defective or  it overheated. Either way the accident might have been even worse. It might have been worn out too.

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