What Should The Legal Drinking Age Be?

Most places in the United States have their legal drinking age set for 21 since the Drinking Age Act was passed in 1984. Ever since then it hasn't changed that much only with some smaller states changing it to higher or lower it. However, currently it is set for 21  no younger and no older for all 50 states in the US. Some have argued it should be lowered to 18 because it will actually help lower death rates and binge drinking in younger teens. Some also argue it should be highered.

Many argue that if you lower the MLDA (Minimum Legal Drinking Age) to 18 then it can lower binge drinking in underage youth and encourage responsible drinking habits. Lowering the MLDA will normalize good and responsible drinking habits among the youth. Those are some of the reasons why we should lower the minimum drinking age to 18.

However, some argue that lowering the legal drinking age to 21 would be bad for the youth and have more deaths by drinking rise. According to the cdc, "Excessive drinking contributes to more than 3,900 deaths among people below the age of 21 in the U.S. each year". 





What age do you think the MLDA should be at?

Do you plan on consuming alcohol when your older?

What is your opinions on drinking age?

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  • I think the legal drinking age should be lowered to help make responsible drinking popular and normalized in the youth while also being legal so we don't have irrisponsible illegal drinking in youth. Underage drinking is a big problem in this country and deaths by drinking are higher than many other countries. Also, decreasing the legal age of drinking isn't all bad if they have nothing to get introuble for and so the youth don't get absolutely hammered. I think the legal drinking age should be like ~18.

  • I think the legal drinking age should either be 18- 21 I'm not sure which one I think is best. I'll probably drink a little bit of alcohol when I'm older but I don't plan on drinking often. If you're old enough to be drafted to go to war, vote, be an adult, and other important things it would make sense to also allow you to drink and be old enough to do anything anyone else can do. But also drinking can really damage our brain to do it when it's not fully developed yet. 

  • I think that the legal drinking age should stay at 21. Your brain is still developing at 21 but it is better than 18 or so. I think that the people who want to drink will drink whenever they want regardless if it is legal or not. We should keep the legal drinking age the same.

  • I think that the MLDA should probably stay the same. I honestly don't know if it really matters when the legal age is because it seems like there are always going to be minors that get ahold of it anyway. I don't plan on consuming a lot of alcohol when I am older, but I might have one once in awhile depending on how much I like it.

  • I think that the legal drinking age should be lowered to 18 beacuse that is considered to be when people become adults. Also when someone becomes 18 they are allowed to vote and join the military. I might consider drinking in the future, but that will be determined later on. 

  • i feel the drinking age should be 18 but the requierments are you have graduated highschool so you cant come to school drunk. i dont think its a good question to ask some 15 16 17 yearolds if they plan on drinking when they are older.

  • I feel like the drinking age should be lowered to 18. Because if you can vote, and die for your country in the military, I feel like you should be able to have a drink once in awhile. And you can see that in some other countries people are allowed to drink way younger at 15 or 18. 

  • I think the Minimum Legal Drinking Age at 21 is pretty fair. You're old enough to make responsible decisions and you're no longer in high school. Teens binge drinking really only happens cause some think it's cool to drink a ton of alcohol. I don't plan on drinking any type of alcohol in the future.

  • In my opion the legal drinking age should stay at 21. First, it is because 21 year olds are in college and they have to make there own choices. If the legal drinking age was 18 then that is high school students that could come to school drunk and give younger kids anything. 

  • I think the drinking age should be 18, at this age, you are more likely out of high school and are legally an "adult". When you are 18 I think that you should be allowed to decide what you put into your body. I do plan on drinking when I am older but it would be nice if we could drink at 18. 

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