U.S. and North Korea

China has recently warned that The U.S. and North Korea are increasing the threat of war in Korea. "Each side is escalating the problem and engaging in tit for tat reactions." Trump has shaken up the old American approach to North Korea by being unpredictable and keeping all options, including military, available.

North Korea has said that if the U.S. makes any move against them, they will basically nuke South Korea and all the American soldiers there. They are trying to develop the technology for nuclear missiles that can reach the United States. Trump has said he won't allow this happen.

He is trying to pressure China to stop trading with North Korea so that they begin negotiating to give up nukes so that they don't get isolated and have their economy wrecked. However, no one is quite sure how to stop North Korea's nuclear program.

Do you believe that Trump is doing the right thing by sending a fleet towards North Korea and not backing down?

How do you think the U.S. should stop North Korea from getting nukes that can hit us? Should we try to negotiate or do it by force?

Personally, i think he is doing the right thing. He needs to be careful that he doesn't start a war that can get millions of people killed. I think that North Korea needs to understand that really they are in over their head with this. We shouldn't let their threats scare us or affect our decision making. Being unpredictable and taking a tough stance on North Korea I think is the right thing to do. We should make it clear to them that starting anything will only end very badly for them and that the best option would be for them to give up nukes and just try to help their people.


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  • Yes, we want to protect our home, the US, and our troops over seas located in or near that region. Id say negotiate first, we want to avoid conflict with them. but I think we should get nukes out of their hands asap.

  • North Korea definitely needs to be stopped and this may be the most understandable answer. I do think it would help if China backed down from trading with North Korea, but it would be extremely difficult to stop this completely. Obviously negotiating beforehand would work better; however, who knows if it would actually be effective. 

  • I have mixed opinions on this subject.  I do think North Korea is a major threat and needs to be dealt with.  However, by going on the offensive and sending this fleet towards North Korea, Trump is putting the United States at risk because of North Korea's unpredictable personality.  But, then again, maybe this type of aggression will be effective against North Korea.  I've always thought that negotiating would be a more viable option, but Trump seems more like the "fighting type." 

  • I do not think he is doing the right thing because we need to stay out of there and isolate ourselves otherwise we are going to get caught up even more in all this. I think we should negotiate with north korea because they do not need to do this to us even though we sent a smaller bomb there that did not do as much damage.

  • I think he is doing the right thing but we still need to be aware that this is a dangerous country and we need to be careful. I think we need a negotiation so they don't think we're forcing it on them. Of course, I don't know if I'd want Trump to negotiate this situation because sometimes he makes things worse then they had to be. If we can avoid violence, I think that would be the way to go. 

  • I think that he is going to do the right thing but he just needs to be careful and not start any wars or battles that can damage our people and country. I don't know for sure how to stop North Korea from bombing us, but I think we should at least try to talk things out and figure out the problem before we break out into a war.

  • I think he is doing the right thing but he does need to be cautious and try not to start wars. We need to take out the plan of the nukes because that is what can really hurt our country .

  • Yes I think he is doing the right thing. he is showing them that they cant win. I say a joint invasion from US and china to stop them from getting nukes that can hit us and while were there kick kim jong un out of power

  • I believe he is doing the right thing even if doing so results in war. I think first off he should get all the U.S. soldiers out of South Korea and then try to negotiate, but if that doesn't work then Trump might have to do it by force.

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