Trump: House Panel Should Investigate Clinton, Not Me

As most who keep up with politics should know, there is an investigation going on about the issue of Russians hacking the Presidential election. Donald Trump claims that he had nothing to do with the hacks that took place, if any even did. Also he is calling for an investigation on the Clinton's because during Bill's presidency he made a deal with Russia that allowed for the Russians to get there hands on more uranium. 

Read The Full Story Here

My Questions

1. If you were on the house panel, would you push for an investigation into the Clinton's like Donald Trump? Why or Why not?

2. Do you agree with the panel's choice to investigate Donald Trump? Why or Why not?

My Responses

1. I would push for an investigation, because you might as well dig up all the facts and everything if you are already starting an investigation.

2. I agree with the panel's choice to investigate Mr.Trump because if there was something that was rigged about the election than wrongs need to be righted

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  • Good choice of story but you didn't reply to any comments which is worth 20 points. Your summary is also quite brief.

  • Yes I would push into the investigation into the Clinton's just like we did to president Trump. They gave Russia a lot more power than Trump is giving them right now. I think that they are blowing the Donald Trump ordeal way to far out of proportion. 

  • i feel like they need to drop the trump thing and focus more a running the USA like their payed to do.  i feel like its not justified to do this investigation. all the media and other goverment officials want is for trump to fail. but wanting that is like wanting the president of the plane we are all on to chrash

  • I don't think I would really push for an investigation, because I think that it's already been decided that Trump is our president, but if there was an investigation, I wouldn't be opposed to it. If he did cheat, I don't really know what they would do about it because our country has other problems that are bigger than this that people should be worrying about.

  • Maybe, maybe not. Just depends on the situation and how dire my situation would be. Sure, its a good idea. But he may not have done anything with the hacking. But if he did it is a good idea to investigate and figure out the truth.

  • I would say that there needs to be a better investigation and it needs to be more detailed because there needs to be more facts! I think that it was a good choice that the panel is going to investigate Trump because then that means that people will get to see the real Trump if he is covering up!

  • I would push for an investigation into the Clinton's, because they have been involved in some shady business, with their foundation,for example, which sends money to foreign countries, helping them out with weaponry (aka Treason!) No, i dont agree with the House panel's choice, because there's nothing to investigate with Trump. Trump has no ties to Russia, the other side is just butt hurt that Hillary didn't make the presidency, and make history by becoming the first woman president. Trump won fair and square, without any help from Russia, so there shouldn't be an investigation.

  • I think that they should investigate after they investigate trump. They might find something linking Bill to Russia while investigating trump. I think that they are doing the right think in investigating trump.

  • I think that by pushing for an investigation on someone else, you're making yourself look guilty. I do agree because we need to thoroughly check out president because he's leading our country.

  • I dont think that making this a big deal is a good idea because it is pretty far fetched

    I agree that maybe they should look into it but it doesnt need to be a big deal

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