On Tuesday Afternoon, Kyle Plush was on his way to a Tennis match when we got in some type of accident and was pinned under a 3rd row folding seat. He suffocated and died after a couple of hours. Kyle called 911 and told them that if they did not find him, then he was going to die. Though they could not identify his position. He told 911 that if he died he wants to tell his mother that he loves her. Kyle was driving a 2002 Honda minivan. Honda is looking into if the accident was a machone problem or a driver problem.


Questions : Do you think this was a car problem or a driver problem?

- I think it would probably be a driver problem but Honda could do something to prevent this.

How would you feel if something like this happened to your family and 911 didnt respond?

- I would feel terrible but he did not give them a location so they did not know what to do.

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  • I think your questions are weak and you didn't reply as much as you could have.

  • I think it could have been either a driver or car problem, but I really can't say because I wasn't there and I don't know what exactly happened. I would feel badly and probably feel like 911 wasn't doing everything they could to help. 

  • I can't really tell if it is a car problem or a driver problem considering there really isn't enough information. I think it's important that Honda is looking into the vehicle's ruins to fully understand what happened to this poor guy.

  • I think that it could've been a car problem or a driver problem, since no one knows exactly what happened it is hard to tell just based on the information in the story.If something like this happened to one of my family memebers or even someone I knew and 911 didn't respond, I would be mad and upset because they could've tracked the phone.

  • I think this was a car problem because why would he get caught under a seat unless he didn't have the seatbelt on. Then he went in the back seat and got caught. I would be really sad and mad at the same time beause they couldv'e tracted the phone...

  • It sounds like this is a car problem because there is a low possibility a seat is gonna fold down itself and hold him trapped under the seat. I would be very upset if I lost a family member. 911 should have been able to trace his location because of all the technology used today. For example, if you were someone where you didn't know where you were at, they just tell you that they will be on there way. 

  • I think this a car problem, because the article says he was retrieving tennis equipment and then he was stuck under the seats. It sounds like the seat folded on its own. If one of my family members got into a situation like this, I would be crushed. My issue with this story is: how can you expect to be rescued if you don't tell 911 where you are? It's a terrible thing that happened and I'm sorry for his family, but he didn't make the best choices in a time of crisis. I'm sure 911 asked where he was. If the police had a GPS to find him then his life would've most likely have been saved, but since they couldn't find him either their GPS wasn't working or they didn't have a tracking system with them. 

  • I could not say ,because it might be something that he did wrong or maybe the car was damage, I don't know is really hard to tell , I hope that the police figure that out

    I will be mad, because if he called so many times they could ask for directions or maybe track his phone  if the directions were wrong.I honestly think that they could had done more to safe this life

  • Well we cant really know exactly unless we know what caused the accident. BUt it was probably the drivers fault fo rthe accident but he didnt purposly trap himself in the car so that wasnt his fault. I would be very upset if 911 didnt even try looking for them or do anything to try and save them. 

  • I think this was a mechanical problem that could've been prevented by Honda and hopefully will be in the future. I would feel unsafe and angry that they couldn't find him in time.

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