Tobacco Age Is Now 21

The american lung association has moved the age of sale from 18 to 21 because they say it will help save lifes. The law was passed by both houses of congeress. Presedent Trump signed the bill into law on december 20, 2019 and it took effect immediately. In March 2015, the National Academy of medicine said that If they moved the law to 21 they could save 223,000 lifes. Also they say this law will be a big push because teen vapeing is at a all time high, and they say there is a lot more to be done and a lot more lifes to be saved. The american lung association says they need to band all flavored tabaco products, stop online sales, and incresse taxes on tobacco products. If they move the law to 21 they say they will slow down teen vaping and save thounds of lifes.

1. Do you agree with this law?

yes and no because this could effct the people that 18,19,and 20.

2. Do you think this law will help as much as they think "by saving thounds of lifes"?

I think it will help teens stop doing tobacco but I dont think thounds of teens are dying from tabcco so I dont think it will save thounds of people. But it will help help slow teens down.

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  • Great story choice! Be sure to type your summary in Word first to help eliminate errors. You could have replied a few more times and you only replied on one day instead of three.

  • I agree with this law, becuase it can help same many lives. If they tax the products, it will be harder for people to get their hands on it. This will cause them to slow down. Also, teens that get it will have a harder time getting the products from people that are now not of age. This law can also help people relize that this is a major problem, leading them to stop. I also agree that banning flavors will make the use of tobacoo products decrease majorly. 

  • I think this law is good because it can save lives, but it is also bad because the kids who are  18, 19, and 20 who have this stuff before the new law could get in trouble. If they are addicted to it they will find any way to get the vape and tobacco anyway. I don't know if it will save thousands of lives because I don't think I've seen or heard someone die from these products besides online.

  • I think that this law has the right goals in mind, and I agree with what the law is wanting to achieve. However, I don't think the law will help as much as it is aiming to do. People are still going to smoke, and there will still be people underage that will smoke. Some people may even pick up smoking now that the law has changed. It could be like the prohibition amendment--it caused more people to drink, completely backfiring. 

  • Yes and no becasue i think that guys that are getting out of highschool who turn 21 will probably sell tabacoo products to lower classmen. But I do agree with this law but im not sure its going to save many lives by changing the age to 21. buy anyways I think teens will still be able to get a hold of vapes and such sorts, they can just find people online who sell them.

  • I think the law will help with teenagers becoming addicted to vaping, since they wont be able to easily get their hands on it. But I dont think the law will save thousands of lives because those who already vape will still find a way to get what they want. And if someone really wants to vape, they will still do it, whether its legal or not.

    • I also think this. I think the new law being enforced may prevent some teenagers from becoming addicted at such a young age. I do not think it will prevent all teenagers. Yes, people who already vape are not going to let this new law stop them now.

      • I agree i think it will help not get kids on it that have not started but if they have started there not going to slow down.  likw you said there is no way it will be stop all of them but they might think about trying to stop if its hard for them to get.

  • I agree with this law because they are preventing many teenagers from addiction, and lowering the access to vaping and tobacco products. Even while many teenagers will still probably find ways to keep on doing it, hopefully they will realize the cost of vaping at a young age.  I believe that this law will save thousands of lives, because as you get older you realize how dangerous vaping really is. 

    • It is a good thing this law has been enforced, allowing less teenagers to have easy access to vaping and tobacco. That is what I was thinking, that if teenagers are addicted they will find away to get it. Many teenagers still used these products even before this law was enforced, while being underage.

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